共有 287 条搜索结果
    进博五年,你了解它吗?供稿 刘伟“中国愿同各国一道,践行真正的多边主义,凝聚更多开放共识,共同克服全球经济发展面临的困难和挑战,让开放为全球发展带来新的光明前程!谢谢大家。”随着习近平主席开幕致辞的声音落下,第五届中国国际进口博览会正式拉开序幕。作为党的二十大后举办的首场重大国际展会,第五届进博会是国际社会进一步观察中国的一扇窗口。从2018年到2022年,转眼间,进博会已经走过五个年头。不知道你...
    花式表达“充满”供稿 刘彩娟想必大家平时在写作文或做翻译时经常会遇到要表达“充满”这个概念的情况吧?中文里我们可以用“盈满”“布满”“遍布”等词替代“充满”,但是一到英文大家是不是发现脑子里就只有“be full of” 或 “be filled with”了呢?下面请随小编一道,深入探究“充满”这个概念在英文中的花式表达,往自己的英语“百宝箱”中多添一些宝贝吧!1. be peppered wi...
    《哈利·波特》魔法学院之缴械咒Expelliarmus供稿 刘伟在武侠小说中,当双方战局焦灼,不分胜负,这时主角就会亮出绝招,一招定胜负。如果说哈利·波特有什么绝招的话,“除你武器”Expelliarmus(disarming charm缴械咒)当仁不让。在第七部《哈里·波特与死亡圣器》中,哈利·波特正是因为使用了“除你武器”才被追赶他的食死徒认出来:“Of course not,” said L...
    走进二十大刘伟 供稿2022年10月16日上午10时,晴。北京人民大会堂。中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会在此隆重开幕。凝心聚力擘画新蓝图,团结奋进谱写新篇章。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央团结带领全党全军全国各族人民撸起袖子加油干、风雨无阻向前行,取得了众多成就。在我国迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的关键时刻,党的二十大为我们指明了前进方向,确立了行动指...
    与你共读秋日之诗刘彩娟 供稿岁月匆匆,一年光景已过四分之三。不知不觉进入十月,秋风渐凉,秋意渐浓。有人说秋天是静谧的,枯黄的落叶或随微风在空中打旋,或静静地躺在大地母亲的怀抱中享受岁月静好。古今中外,秋天得到了无数文人墨客的青睐,在他们笔下秋天更添一份文气。今日,请大家与小编一起,品读英国天才诗人济慈(John Keats)的这首《秋颂》(To Autumn)。To Autumnby John K...
    Why do you usually eat the same thing for breakfast?为什么早餐通常会吃同样的食物?刘伟 供稿Breakfast, the most important meal in the day, shoulders the responsibility of fueling us up and reviving the body and brain. Re...
    Why Do We Have Great Ideas in the Shower?为什么洗澡时常常会灵感乍现?曹艺凡 供稿Alice Flaherty, one of the most renowned neuroscientists researching creativity has an answer for us when it comes to why you get your best...
    Can You Patent Clothing?可以为服装申请专利吗?曹艺凡 供稿If you've just finished working on a new line of clothing, you're probably wondering whether you can protect it with a patent? The USPTO (United States Patent ...
    How Can I Stop Snoring?如何停止打鼾?何雅蕙 供稿Snoringhappens when the muscles in the tongue, roof of your mouth and throat relax and constrict airflow. “You can’t get a full breath of air, so things startvibrat...
    Why Do Brides Wear White?新娘为什么爱穿白色婚纱?曹艺凡 供稿In many societies the color white has long been associated with purity and virtue, and that is one reason why some brides choose to wear white, especially in...
    Why Has Liu Genghong Become an Online Hit为什么刘畊宏突然爆火?何雅蕙 供稿Millions of people in China now share a common routine: A fitness session with their new star personal trainer Liu Genghong.现在,中国老百姓有一个共同日常:跟着...
    How Do Fish Sleep?鱼是怎么睡觉的?曹艺凡 供稿Sleep plays an essential role in our overall functioning, development, and how long we live. Without enough sleep, our health and cognitive performance suffers. The sam...
    和宠物一起睡觉是否健康?Is It Healthy to Sleep with Your Pet?王淑怡 供稿People may wonder if they should share their bed with a pet. In fact, sharing your bedroom with your canine companion may improve your sleep, acc...
    你有数字囤积症吗?Are you a digital hoarder?王淑怡 供稿Most people are familiar with hoarding and the psychological issues associated with it. Hoarding leads to messy, cluttered homes and difficulty parting with it...
    如何实现新年目标How to make your New Year’s resolutions happen王淑怡 供稿Every year, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, hoping to sparkpositive change. The recurringthemes each year include a more act...