共有 284 条搜索结果
    穿袜子睡觉背后的科学原理TheScience Behind SleepingWith Socks On王淑怡 供稿Millions of people around the world go to bed wearing socks. But are you curious about the sciencebehind this practice and whether it is good f...
    你能克服“周一忧郁症”吗?Monday Blues— Can You Beat Them?王淑怡 供稿Welcome to Monday! How was your sleep last night? Did you feel sick to the stomach knowing that you will wake up to 5 working days?Did you set an ext...
    为什么我们在洗澡时会灵感乍现?Why Do We Have Our Best Ideas in the Shower?王淑怡 供稿You are in the shower. The water sounds like a gentle, rainy static. Suddenly, you're hit with a flash of brilliance. Maybe it's the an...
    为什么一读书就犯困?Why Does Reading Make You Sleepy?王淑怡 供稿Most people enjoy reading a good book after a long day or over the weekends. However, do you ever notice how you start feeling sleepy three pages into ...
    剃须历史知多少The History of Shaving王淑怡 供稿Although the exact timeline of shaving isn’t clear, most experts and found artifactssuggest that shaving has been around since approximately 100,000 BC, when cavemen...
    梦境如何反映健康What Your Dreams Reveal About Your Health王淑怡 供稿Have you ever wondered why we dream? Rosalind Cartwright, Ph.D., saysthat dreams are the way the brain "incorporates memories, solves problems an...
    走路慢的人可能衰老速度更快Slow Walkers Might Age Faster Than People Who Pick Up the Pace王淑怡 供稿 Ambling along at a leisurely pace might seem like an ideal anti-stress strategy, but if slow-and-steady is your usual ...
    为什么蚊子爱咬人?Why Do Mosquitoes Love to Bite You?王淑怡 供稿In summer, mosquitoes interrupt our sleep with their constant buzzing, they bite us leaving redness, itching, and sometimes edema. Also, they can tran...
    奥运会的金牌是用什么做的?What Are Olympic Gold Medals Made of?王淑怡 供稿The top three finishers (in most cases) of each Olympic competition are awarded the gold, silver, and bronze medals, respectively. While the nam...
    可能让人变“丧”的五个生活习惯:频繁刷手机、饮食习惯差……From Constantly Checking Your Phone to a Bad Diet – The 5 Everyday Habits That Could Be Harming Your Mental Health王淑怡 供稿Habits are things we do over and over again and are...
    The phenomenon of earworms: why do songs get stuck in the head?耳虫现象:为什么有些歌曲会一直在脑海里萦绕?王淑怡 供稿Have you ever had a song stuck in your head and, no matter how hard you tried, you could not dislodge it? The...
    Why Do You Look Different In A Mirror?为什么你和镜子里的自己看上去不一样?王淑怡 供稿Usually the greatest fear after a wild night of partying isn't what you said that you might regret, but how you'll look in your friends' p...
    No Amount of Drinking Alcohol Is Safe for Brain Health喝酒无论多少都会伤脑王淑怡 供稿While most people believe that an occasional drink won’t do them any harm, there are actually a number of ramificationsfor mental ...
    Should You Skip Dinner to Lose Weight?减肥是否应该不吃晚饭?王淑怡 供稿There's an old saying about healthy eating: “Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and supper like a pauper.” In other words,front-loadmore ...
    Why Do You Get Sleepy When You Drive?为什么开车时容易犯困?王淑怡 供稿Most of us have probably felt sleepy on a car journey, but it's not always due to an early start, or a long day, or a lack of caffeine.我们大多数人可能在开车...