共有 284 条搜索结果
    Why the key to happiness is a 16-minute commute?为什么通勤16分钟是通往幸福之路的关键? 王淑怡 供稿 Many people look forward to a lengthy work commute as it provides them with an opportunity to awaken their senses before ent...
    Personality Differences Between Dog and Cat Owners养狗者和养猫者的性格差异王淑怡 供稿Are you a cat person or a dog person?The whole cats versus dogs sagahas been going on forever. We tend to use the answer to the afor...
    The origin of handshaking握手礼节的来源林晓洁供稿Handshaking seems like a gesture that has been around forever. Indeed, a throne base from the reign of ancient Assyria's Shalmaneser III in the 9th century BC clea...
    How Does Sleep Affect Mental Health?睡眠会如何影响心理健康?王淑怡 供稿Insomniais a common problem throughout the world. According to estimates, it is believed to affect approximately 33% of the world’s population. Ev...
    肥胖问题不能只看体重Obesity is not just a matter of weight林晓洁 供稿Obesity should be defined by a person's health - not just by their weight, says a new Canadian clinical guideline.加拿大的一份新临床指南称,肥胖与否应该视健康状况而定,而不只是体...
    人的性格会随着年龄增长而改变吗?Do People’s Personalities Change with Age?林晓洁 供稿People go through a host of changes intheir life — jobs, haircuts and relationships that come and go. But as people grow older, do their...
    How to Manage Your Money in Your 20s?20多岁的年轻人应该如何理财?王淑怡 供稿When it comes to money, today’s 20-somethings have to grow up fast. Between student loans, pressure to start saving early for retirement and e...
    Chronic Diseases Do Affect Youth慢性病之手已伸向年轻人王淑怡供稿It may seem odd to put “youth” and “chronic diseases” in the same category. Worldwide, not a significant number ofyoung people currently suffer from chr...
    改变飞行高度可减少影响气候的飞机云Changing the altitude of flightsdecreases contrails that affect the weather林晓洁供稿Airplanes account for about 3 percent of the climate-altering carbondioxide emissions we add to the atm...
    Subway Etiquette:Please Wear Headphones If You're Listening To Music地铁礼仪:乘坐地铁听音乐请佩戴耳机王淑怡 供稿You can often have a feeling of dread on a crowded subway car or when the doors open with a fresh batch of pe...
    How to Achieve Work-Life Balance?如何实现工作与生活的平衡?林晓洁供稿Recently,the working pattern of “996” and “007” have once again become hot topics, reflectingthe high-stress working ofyoung people.In the era of wor...
    珠穆朗玛峰新身高The New Height of Mount Qomolangma林晓洁 供稿The height of Mount Qomolangma is one of the most fascinating questionsin geography. Every time its measurement makes a splashacross the world. On Decem...
    How to Cope with Seasonal Depression in an Already Challenging Year?在挑战重重的年份里,如何应对季节性抑郁症?王淑怡 供稿If you suffer from seasonal depression orworry about your risk factors should you get the coronavirus, th...
    How Will the Aviation Industry Develop in the Post-pandemic Era?后疫情时代,航空业应如何发展?林晓洁 供稿For many airlines, 2020 has been a precarious year -- with carriers navigating not just how to keep employees and p...
    Chang’e-5: Why has China sent a probe to collect soils from the moon? 嫦娥五号:为什么要去月球“挖土”?林晓洁 供稿China has successfully launched its Chang'e-5 lunar mission on November 24 to collect rocks from the moon —...