新闻听力 | 如何使用人工智能工具提高互联网搜索质量

VOA慢速:如何使用人工智能工具提高互联网搜索质量How to Use AI Tools to Improve Quality of Internet Searches慢速/四级偏难/572词/6min10sPart I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What is the expected trend for the use of AI systems in Internet searches?A. It is expected to decline gradually.B. It is expected to grow sharply.C. It will remain relatively stable.D. It has already reached its peak.Q2. Which of the following AI tools is associated with Microsoft’s search engine Bing?A. Gemini.B. Gemini and Copilot.C. ChatGPT.D. Copilot.Q3. What is the primary purpose of Google’s “Search Generative Experience”?A. To replace links with AI-produced briefs about a subject.B. To provide a list of links to external websites.C. To offer chatbot services for search assistance.D. To enhance the search experience with multimedia content.Q4. What can be inferred about the effectiveness of AI-assisted search tools from the text?A. They are less effective than traditional search engines for common search queries.B. They are most effective when used in conjunction with human oversight.C. They are particularly useful for finding obscure information.D. They have been proven to eliminate the risk of misinformation.Q5. What is the main idea of the text regarding AI search tools?A. AI search tools are becoming obsolete due to technological advancements.B. AI search tools are improving the search experience but also pose potential risks.C. AI search tools have completely replaced traditional search engines.D. AI search tools are only available to users who pay for premium services.Part II. TRANSCRIPTHow to Use AI Tools to Improve Quality of Internet SearchesInternet search companies have already built artificial intelligence (AI) tools into their systems. (Q1) And the use of AI systems to support Internet searches is expected to grow sharply in coming years.Some technology experts feel this change can greatly improve the overall search experience for users. But experts also have concerns.One early user, or adopter, of AI search is Google. The American-based company’s search engine currently processes an estimated 80 percent of the world’s Internet search requests.(Q2) Microsoft’s search engine Bing also includes AI-powered results. Bing’s AI system is linked to the company’s Copilot service. Copilot is an AI tool designed to operate across a series of Microsoft business products.Copilot is based on OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which launched in late 2022. ChatGPT is a computer-powered AI tool designed to interact smoothly with humans.Such AI tools — known as “chatbots” or “generative AI” — are trained on massive amounts of Internet data. They have shown an ability to perform human-level writing and create high-quality images and videos based on short, written descriptions.But these AI systems have also demonstrated possible risks. One risk is the tools can present false or misleading information as truth. They can also produce results that represent long-standing biases against minorities or underrepresented communities.Here, we offer some guidance for users seeking new systems to provide improved and relevant search results.l Where do I find AI search tools?Some major search companies have made it easy to find AI search engines on their main search pages.Google’s search system is powered by its own chatbot tool, called Gemini. It can easily be found directly on desktop or mobile phone browsers. Gemini can be used to perform other chatbot actions as well as providing search assistance.(Q3) Google also has been testing a new search offering, called “Search Generative Experience.” It replaces links with AI-produced briefs containing basic facts about a subject. This system is currently limited to U.S. users who sign up through Google’s experimental Labs site.To use AI with Microsoft’s Bing search engine, simply click the Chat or Copilot button underneath the main search window. This should pull up an information box where users can enter their search requests.New AI search sites have also launched. But they are not as easy to find. The Associated Press reports one way to find them is to perform searches for tools on Copilot or Gemini. Some to look out for include Perplexity, HuggingChat,, Komo, Andi, Phind, Exa and AskAI.l Do I have to sign up for or pay for these services?Most of these services have free versions. But generally, there are limits on how many searches a user can make. Users can also upgrade from basic services to higher levels providing smarter AI tools and more search possibilities.Gemini users, for example, can pay $20 for an upgraded version that offers its “most capable” model, called Ultra 1.0.Most of the startup sites are largely free to use and don’t require setting up an account. Many also have upgrade possibilities.l What are the results like? Unlike a traditional Google search, results from AI tools usually produce a longer, readable collection of information. Sometimes, the original source of information is also included. And in some cases, messages are included to warn users about possible misinformation appearing in the results. It is a good idea to try out different AI tools. Results from each can differ, sometimes wildly. (Q4) The AP reports that results from AI-assisted search tools can be especially useful when searching for more obscure facts or information.obscure adj. 费解的;难以理解的I’m Bryan Lynn.Part III. KEYQ1. B.细节题。根据文本中的描述:“And the use of AI systems to support Internet searches is expected to grow sharply in coming years.” 可知,使用AI系统支持互联网搜索的趋势预计将在未来几年内急剧增长。因此答案为B。 Q2. D.细节题。文本提到:“Microsoft’s search engine Bing also includes AI-powered results. Bing’s AI system is linked to the company’s Copilot service.” 这说明与微软的搜索引擎Bing相关联的AI工具是Copilot。因此答案为D。 Q3. A.细节题。根据文本中的信息:“Google also has been testing a new search offering, called ‘Search Generative Experience.’ It replaces links with AI-produced briefs containing basic facts about a subject.” 可知,Google的Search Generative Experience主要是用AI生成的关于某一主题的基本事实概要来替代链接。因此答案为A。 Q4. C.推理题。文本中提到:“The AP reports that results from AI-assisted search tools can be especially useful when searching for more obscure facts or information.” 这说明AI辅助搜索工具在寻找更模糊的事实或信息时特别有用。因此答案为C。 Q5. B.主旨题。文章整体讨论了AI搜索工具如何改善用户的搜索体验,同时也提到了这些工具可能带来的风险,如提供虚假或误导性信息,以及可能反映长期存在的偏见。因此,文章的主要观点是AI搜索工具在提升搜索体验的同时也存在潜在风险。答案为B。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

教学素材 | “谢帝谢帝,我要迪士尼”的梗和英文有关系吗?

“谢帝谢帝,我要迪士尼”的梗和英文有关系吗?不知大家前些日子是否留意到,网络上刮起了一股名为“谢帝谢帝我要diss你”的旋风,连带着“成都迪士尼”也成为了热门打卡圣地。这场潮流如同一场盛大的网络派对,充满了趣味与惊喜。那这个热梗到底是什么意思呢?又怎么和成都以及迪士尼扯上了关系?今天,我们就一起来揭秘这个热梗的起源以及它带来的影响,还能借机学习一波相关的英语表达哦!一场妙趣横生的空耳之旅这一切源于一位说唱界的草根歌手“诺米么Lodmemo”。在一场说唱海选中,评委谢帝不仅误将诺米写给爷爷的歌《阿普的思念》说成“写给奶奶的歌”,还评价他说,“把说唱当成一个兴趣就好”。诺米因此非常受伤,决定写一首歌来表明自己的态度,于是创作了歌曲《谢天谢帝》来向评委谢帝“宣战”。 《谢天谢帝》歌曲MV其中那句“谢帝谢帝我要diss你”在副歌部分反复吟唱,宛如魔咒一般。没想到,网友们的耳朵却在此时展现了惊人的创造力,将这句歌词转化为“谢帝谢帝我要迪士尼”。这一奇妙的空耳现象如同魔法般点燃了网络,而诺米MV中的拍摄地——成都玉林七巷的一处健身器材场地,则摇身一变,成为了“成都迪士尼”的象征,引来无数人争相打卡。小红书打卡分享从热梗走进英语世界“我要diss你”中的“diss”从何而来?百度百科的解释是,“diss”是disrespect(不尊重)或disparage(轻视)的缩写,意指对他人表现出看不惯、轻视或鄙视的态度。在前面提到的热梗中,诺米用它来表达对谢帝的不满。 那有没有其他地道的英语表达可以表示类似diss 的含义呢?经小WE一查,还真不少:1. look down on 蔑视,瞧不起She always looks down on her colleagues who didn’t attend university. 她总是看不起那些没有上过大学的同事。2. disdain v. 鄙视,蔑视He disdained his opponent’s lack of experience. 他对对手的经验不足表示轻视。3. sneer at 嘲笑,蔑视She sneered at his attempt to join the conversation. 她对他试图加入谈话嗤之以鼻。4. scorn v. 轻蔑,鄙视 He scorned his rival’s attempts to imitate him. 他对竞争对手尝试模仿他表示蔑视。 大家学到了吗?回到这条热梗引发的人们纷纷前往“成都迪士尼”打卡的现象。我们再来拓展一下,“打卡”用英语怎么说?1. check in at a trendy spot check in是一种常用的表达,常用于表示到达某个地方并在社交媒体上记录自己的存在。而trendy spot指的是当下流行的、备受关注的地点。They love checking in at trendy spots around the city, sharing photos of their visits on Instagram.他们喜欢在城市里的热门地点打卡,将自己的打卡照片分享到Instagram上。2. visit a hotspothotspot可以指“活动多的地方;热闹的娱乐场所”,在此指网红打卡点。Let’s visit that new rooftop bar; it’s been a hotspot for celebrities lately.我们去那家新开的天台酒吧吧,最近成了名人们经常光顾的网红地。3. hit up a trendy spothit up的含义比较多样,在此指“拜访,参观”,还可以指“与某人联络”或者“向某人乞求”。We should hit up that trendy street market this weekend; I heard they have amazing food stalls.这周末我们应该去逛逛那个时髦的街头市场;听说他们有很棒的食品摊位。 这场由“谢帝谢帝我要diss你”引发的热梗狂潮,让我们见证了网络文化的强大影响力,也体验到了集体情绪释放的奇妙力量。而爆火之后的诺米,在最近的采访中也表示,对于参加节目被谢帝淘汰,他理解谢帝当时的状态,“选手太多了,他可能很累了,他并没有刻意针对我”。在诺米的情绪归于平静之时,也希望大家保持理性,对于“diss你”之类的小情绪,可以适当发泄,但不要长久怀怒哦。*本文图片来源于网络,仅供学习交流使用,侵删。

教学素材 | 探索人格奥秘:你是J人还是P人?

教学素材| 探索人格奥秘:你是J人还是P人? 近期,网络上关于“J人与P人出行趣事”、“P人如何让J人头疼”、“I人记录生活的‘偷感’瞬间”等话题引发热议。这些词汇究竟有何深意?今天,我们就来揭开这层神秘面纱,一同探寻J人、P人、i人与e人的真面目。首先,我们要揭秘的是J人与P人。这两类人其实挺好区分,他们具有迥异的生活风格,我们在此无需用文字赘述,直接上图,大家来细品品~•做旅行计划时: •啃玉米时: •挤牙膏时 •整理手机桌面时: 由此,想必大家对J人和P人的人格特征已有了基本的判断。我们不难看出,J人在处理外部信息和事件时,倾向于做出决定、制定计划、建立秩序和寻求结论。所以他们是具有判断型(Judging)人格的人。而J即为Judging的首字母,它的动词原型judge就有“审判、判断”的意思。例:It will take a few more years to judge the impact of these ideas.还需要再过几年才能判断这些思想的影响。而P人在面对外界时,倾向于保持开放、灵活,推迟决策,享受过程,他们是具有感知型(Perceiving)人格的一类人。而这个词的动词原型perceive就有“感知,察觉”的意思。例:That morning, he perceived a change in Franca’s mood.那天早上,他注意到弗兰卡情绪的变化。这类Judging和Perceiving这类人格特征的归纳从何而来呢?你猜对了!它们来源于“MBTI”这个东东~MBTI的英文名全称是Myers–Briggs Type Indicator(迈尔斯-布里格斯类型指标)。它是由美国作家伊莎贝尔·布里格斯·迈尔斯和她的母亲凯瑟琳·库克·布里格斯共同制定的一种人格类型理论模型,基于瑞士心理学家卡尔·荣格的心理类型理论。MBTI是全球最常用的性格测试之一,每年有超过200万人完成问卷调查。MBTI将人格划分为四个维度,每个维度包含两个对立偏好,以字母表示:驱动力方式:E(Extroversion) vs I(Introversion)外倾型vs 内倾型关注点在于外部世界还是内心世界。外向者(Extroverts)能量来源于人际交往,内向者(Introverts)则从独自思考与宁静中汲取力量。接收信息的方式:S(Sensing) vs N(Intuition)实感型vs 直觉型在获取信息时,实感型的人更倾向于关注具体细节,而直觉型的人更关注抽象概念。intuition n. 直觉例:I had an intuition that something awful was about to happen.我直觉感到要出乱子了。决策的方式:T(Thinking) vs F(Feeling)思考型vs 情感型思考型的人做决策时更看重逻辑分析,情感型的人则看重个人价值观和情感因素。对待不确定性的态度:J(Judging) vs P(Perceiving)判断型vs 感知型处理外部世界的方式,判断型的人倾向于预先规划和组织,感知型的人则倾向灵活与接纳。回到之前流行的“I人”与“E人”说法,大家应该能找到它们对应的意思了吧!没错,它们实际上就是MBTI中的内向(I)型人格与外向(E)型人格。现在,大家是否已经对J人、P人、I人、E人有了清晰的认识?不妨比对一下,看看自己在日常生活与工作中更倾向于是严谨有序的J人,还是随性自由的P人?在社交场合,更像享受独处的I人,还是热衷交流的E人?其实,每个人都是独一无二的存在。这些人格特征能帮助我们更好地了解自己,但不应该成为我们给自己或是他人贴上的固化标签。随着时间的推移以及环境或是情绪的变化,我们的MBTI人格都是由可能发生变化的哦!*本文图片来源于网络,仅供学习交流使用,侵删。

新闻听力 | 如何避免抄袭

VOA慢速:如何避免抄袭Defining Plagiarism, How to Avoid It CET-4听力语速/五级(CET-4)适中/972词/9分6秒刘立军 供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What does plagiarism mean in academic writing?A. Paraphrasing another person's writing.B. Quoting too little from a source.C. Copying someone’s work without giving credit.D. Using too many citations in a paper.Q2. Who recently resigned from Harvard University because of plagiarism issues?A. A student who failed a class for copying work.B. The leader of Harvard University.C. An associate professor at the University of Kentucky.D. A psychology professor at the University of Memphis.Q3. Which of the following can be considered as fair use under American copyright law?A. Reporting news using copyrighted materials.B. Selling pirated movies online.C. Copying software for personal use without permission.D. Replicating an entire book for educational purposes.Q4. What should students do if they use parts of copyrighted work in their academic writing?A. Provide credit through detailed illustrations.B. Get written permission from the original creators.C. Make sure they transform the content completely.D. Give credit with proper citation.Q5. Why might professors suspect a student of plagiarizing if English is not their first language?A. Because non-native speakers are more likely to copy text.B. Due to a recognizable change in writing style and wording.C. Because students with different first languages cannot write well.D. Non-native speakers are not allowed to use complex vocabulary.Q6. What action may Harvard University take against students found plagiarizing?A. Lower their grade or fail them in that class.B. Only give a verbal warning and no further consequences.C. Provide them with special tutoring to improve.D. Increase their grade to encourage better behavior.Q7. How did D. Stephen Voss describe the part that Claudine Gay allegedly plagiarized from his paper?A. It was a major component of his own work.B. It made her research important and valuable.C. It was trivial and inconsequential.D. It was copied word-for-word and vastly significant.Q8. What issue did Roger Kreuz bring up in his email to VOA about plagiarism?A. He believes plagiarism is a minor offense that requires no further discussion.B. He suggests that the definition of plagiarism does not depend on individual opinions.C. He confirmed that his book fully supports Claudine Gay's actions.D. He indicates that university students are given more chances to correct plagiarism.Q9. According to the passage, why might university faculty members receive less scrutiny for plagiarism than students?A. They are considered more careful with their citations by administrators.B. Their work is generally not important enough to warrant attention.C. Faculty members do not need to follow any plagiarism policies.D. Students are always expected to set higher standards for themselves.Q10. What is the main idea presented in the text regarding plagiarism?A. Plagiarism is an act that is taken lightly in academic circles.B. Computer programs and AI tools are ineffective in detecting plagiarism.C. All universities have clear policies about plagiarism and enforce them strictly.D. There is a possible double standard in how plagiarism is treated between students and faculty.Part II. TRANSCRIPTIt has become easy for students to find and copy published material. But copying another person's writing without giving them credit can get students and other scholars into big trouble. (Q1) Copying another person's writing without crediting them is called plagiarism.plagiarism n. 抄袭;剽窃(Q2) Recently, the leader of Harvard University stepped down over problems related to the use of other peoples' work in her writing.American copyright law protects original works of authorship including books, movies, music, images and artworks. The protection extends to computer software and the design of buildings and structures.The owner can sell a copyright or permit others to use it because it is property and property ownership is protected by law in the U.S.The idea is that copyright helps society. If people can gain from their own creations, called their intellectual property, then more people will want to create original works.(Q3) The law, however, permits the unlicensed use of copyrighted works under what is called fair use. Fair use can include criticism, comment, news reporting, education and research. However, there are some limitations.(Q4)In education, students can include small parts of copyrighted work in their writing and research. But they must provide credit to the original creators through a citation which gives details about the source.Many universities, including Harvard University, even urge students to give credit to sources of ideas when they come from discussions with professors or other students. Harvard even warns students about copying themselves. That is, they cannot hand in the same work for more than one class without the permission of their instructors.A failure to do so is considered plagiarizing.How can professors know if a student is plagiarizing?Just as it is easy to copy, it is also easy for professors to know if a student has plagiarized.First, there are computer programs and artificial intelligence, or AI, tools that compare students' papers to large databases of published writing. The programs can identify whether students have copied published writing. Second, (Q5) if English is not a student's first language, a professor might recognize a change in wording and writing style. This could bring more attention to the student's paper.Plagiarism is punished in different ways. (Q6) Professors could simply warn a student not to do it again, lower their grade, or they might fail the student in that class. In more extreme cases, a student may be temporarily banned or expelled from school.Tools to avoid plagiarismThere are free tools to make citations easier for students and to avoid plagiarism. Zotero is a free, open-source program that helps organize all the research a student may use. For example, it can automatically create citations and combine them into a list. The Purdue Online Writing Lab, or Purdue OWL for short, is another free resource.Many universities also have writing centers where students can learn the citation rules. And another way for students to learn how to avoid plagiarism is to read published papers and pay careful attention to how information is presented. Students should observe when and how citations are used. This can help them learn the rules of citations.In educational, or academic, writing, it is better to cite too much than too little.A possible double standardHarvard's Claudine Gay resigned this month after several accusations of plagiarism in her academic work.Gay's academic writing got attention after she was strongly criticized for her answers to a Congressional committee related to freedom of speech. Critics found several cases of possible plagiarism in her 1997 doctoral paper. Harvard's governing board first supported Gay, saying a review of her scholarly work turned up "a few instances of inadequate citation" but no evidence of research wrongdoing.doctoral adj. 博士(学位)的There has been debate among academics over whether her conduct amounted to academic dishonesty. D. Stephen Voss is an associate professor of political science at the University of Kentucky. He knew Gay when they were graduate students at Harvard. A paper he co-wrote in the 1990s was one Gay is accused of plagiarizing from.(Q7) He said in an interview with the New Yorker magazine that Gay did plagiarize from him. But what she copied from his paper was "trivial" and "inconsequential."trivial adj. 不重要的;琐碎的;微不足道的inconsequential adj. 不重要的;微不足道的;细琐的What Gay used from his paper "did not take an idea of any significance from my work." He added: "the bit she used from us was not in any way a major component of what made her research important or valuable."Roger Kreuz is a psychology professor at the University of Memphis who is writing a book on the history and psychology of plagiarism. (Q8) He told VOA in an email that if plagiarism is defined as taking words from another person's work, "the opinion of (Voss) doesn't really matter."Kreuz wrote in the online publication, The Conversation, that university students and professors might face different requirements when it comes to plagiarism. Kreuz wrote that professors suspected of plagiarism may be given the benefit of the doubt by their schools. They may also be given the chance to make corrections to their published work.Kreuz added that university leaders think that faculty members know what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. (Q9) If a problem arises, administrators might think they were just being careless with their citations or use of quotation marks.Students, on the other hand, must follow university policies on academic behavior. Harvard, for example, warns that students may be forced to leave the college if they plagiarize. Work written by students is more likely to be closely examined and put through tools that identify plagiarism than faculty work.(Q10) Many students consider this a double standard.Kreuz wrote in an opinion piece in The Boston Globe that university plagiarism policies for faculty are unclear.How "can academics set or enforce policies for faculty when the concept is so ill-defined?" he asked.I'm Dan Novak. And I'm Gena Bennett.Part III. KEYQ1. C. 细节题。文章中提到:“Copying another person's writing without crediting them is called plagiarism.” 意为:“采用别人写作的内容而不注明出处被称为抄袭。” 因此答案为C。Q2. B. 细节题。文章中提到:“Recently, the leader of Harvard University stepped down over problems related to the use of other peoples' work in her writing.” 意为:“最近,哈佛大学的领导因在其写作中使用其他人的作品引发问题而辞职。” 因此答案为B。Q3. A. 细节题。文章中提到:“...the unlicensed use of copyrighted works under what is called fair use. Fair use can include criticism, comment, news reporting, education and research.” 意为:“……未经授权使用版权作品,称为合理使用。合理使用可以包括批评、评论、新闻报道、教育和研究。” 因此答案为A。Q4. D. 细节题。文章中提到:“students can include small parts of copyrighted work in their writing and research. But they must provide credit to the original creators through a citation which gives details about the source.” 意为:“学生可以在他们的写作和研究中包含版权作品的小部分。但是他们必须标明出处。” 因此答案为D。Q5. B. 细节题。文章中提到:“if English is not a student's first language, a professor might recognize a change in wording and writing style.” 意为:“如果英语不是学生的第一语言,教授可能会认出措辞和写作风格的变化。” 因此答案为B。Q6. A. 细节题。文章中提到:“Professors could simply warn a student not to do it again, lower their grade, or they might fail the student in that class.” 意为:“教授们可以简单地警告学生不要再这样做,降低他们的成绩,或者他们可能会让学生在那门课程中不及格。” 因此答案为A。Q7. C. 细节题。文章中D. Stephen Voss说:“...what she copied from his paper was 'trivial' and 'inconsequential.'” 意为:“她从他的文章中抄袭的部分是‘微不足道’和‘无关紧要’的。” 因此答案为C。Q8. B. 推理题。文章中Roger Kreuz提到:“if plagiarism is defined as taking words from another person's work, 'the opinion of (Voss) doesn't really matter.'” 意为:“如果剽窃被定义为取用他人作品中的话语,‘(沃斯的)观点并不重要’。” 他认为剽窃的定义并不依赖于个人意见。因此答案为B。Q9. A. 推理题。文章中提到:“If a problem arises, administrators might think they were just being careless with their citations or use of quotation marks.” 意为:“如果出现问题,管理者可能会认为他们只是在引用或使用引号时不够小心。” 这表明教职员工可能因为管理者认为他们仅仅是在引用上不够小心而受到较少的审查。因此答案为A。Q10. D. 主旨题。整篇文章讨论了在学术界中剽窃的定义、它如何被处理,以及学生与教职员工之间可能存在的双重标准。文章最后强调了“Many students consider this a double standard.” 意为:“许多学生认为这是一种双重标准。” 因此答案为D。 (本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 如何制定与实现2024年目标?

如何制定与实现2024年目标?How to set and achieve goals for 2024?语速:TEM-8听力 / 词汇:六级 (CET-6) 偏易 / 篇幅:1358词 / 时长:8分29秒刘立军 供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the talk and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What is the suggested starting point for setting New Year's goals in the text?A. To differentiate between resolutions and goals.B. To plan steps for measurable success.C. To pledge to improve personal habits.D. To reflect on the past year's experiences.Q2. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?A. Writing down personal thoughts has no impact on future planning.B. Changing the past is one of the methods to improve future performance.C. Reflecting on the personal patterns can aid in identifying strengths and weaknesses.D. Toxic relationships should be continued as part of personal growth.Q3. How does the text describe the aspect of "Achievable" within the S.M.A.R.T. framework?A. Goals should be as large and complex as possible.B. It’s recommended to have few small goals instead of a big one.C. Large goals can be broken into smaller steps to manage them better.D. One should always choose goals that require new skills or education.Q4. What additional elements are included in the extended version of the S.M.A.R.T. acronym, as noted in the text?A. Excitement and Reflection.B. Evaluate and Reward.C. Endurance and Resolve.D. Education and Realism.Q5. Based on the text, what inference can be made regarding the prioritization of goals?A. Prioritizing goals is not necessary if one has a large number of goals.B. Goals linked to important aspects of life are likely to be pursued with more enthusiasm.C. The number of goals one sets is more crucial than the content of those goals.D. Goal-setting should be avoided as it is often too challenging and leads to failure.Q6. What is the primary purpose of the text as a whole?A. To emphasize the importance of past experiences on future goal setting.B. To compare different goal-setting methodologies like S.M.A.R.T. and F.A.S.T.C. To encourage readers to set and achieve personal goals using structured approaches.D. To promote the benefits of frequent discussions and ambitious scopes in team settings.Part II. TRANSCRIPTHow to Set and Achieve Your Goals in 2024[1] A new year is on the horizon. This is a time when many people start to think about what changes they can make through goals or personal resolutions. What’s the difference between a goal and a resolution? Well, a resolution tends to be a starting point, such as making yourself a pledge to begin exercising more or eat better. A goal is more focused on a specific endpoint, such as losing ten pounds in six months, or walking for 20 minutes every evening after dinner. A goal has planned steps and measurable success. So this year, when you think about what you want to accomplish in 2024, you might consider setting goals instead of new year’s resolutions. But where do you start?[2] Reflect on 2023(Q1) To know where you’re going, it can help to know where you’ve been. Research has shown that reflecting on your past endeavors can improve your future performance. You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it. (Q2) Notice your patterns and habits, both good and bad. When you know your strengths and weaknesses, you can identify what’s working for you, and what’s working against you. For example, if you’re a person who rises early in the morning and starts the day with vigor and enthusiasm, then that’s a habit you’ll want to continue. But if you identify other areas of your life that are holding you back, such as fears, unhealthy food choices or toxic relationships, you can examine these behaviors, and think about how you might want to change them. Some topics you might choose to reflect on, depending on what’s relevant to you, could be your health, your career, your relationships, self-care, and personal growth. Journaling about your personal thoughts on the past year can help put things into perspective. Some examples of questions to ask yourself are things like:endeavor n. 努力,尽力toxic adj. 有毒的;引起中毒的 How did I spend the majority of my time, and how do I feel about that? What was the best thing that happened to me in the past year? What were my biggest achievements? What was my lowest point and why? What lessons did I learn, and what might I do differently next year? What was I most thankful for? What goals did I have that didn’t happen? And do I want to carry them over to next year?By reflecting on the feelings and events of 2023, you can begin to form a picture of what happened and why. Take the information you gather from your observations and create a new plan.[3] Set S.M.A.R.T. GoalsOnce you’ve identified what areas of your life you want to focus on, then begin the planning process. Deciding what your goal is, setting an end date to accomplish it, and writing down the steps you’ll take can help create a solid plan. (Q3) One method often used to help formulate goals is called the S.M.A.R.T. system, and was outlined in an article, written in 1981, by George Doran, Arthur Miller, and James Cunningham.[4] 5 key aspects of the acronym “S.M.A.R.T.” are:Specific - Have a defined goal with a clear picture of what is to be accomplished, and what actions you will take to achieve it. For example, if your goal is to buy a new car, know exactly what car you want, and how you will pay for it. Make a step-by-step plan that includes saving money each month for a down payment, and arranging your budget to include the new car payment. By factoring in details of your plan, you can be clear about what it is you want and how to get there.Measurable - Think about how you will track your progress. Once you know what your goal is, you need to be able to measure your success along the way to be sure you are reaching your milestones. In thinking of the car scenario, checking each month to be sure you are putting money aside for the down payment can create momentum as you watch your savings grow. If you are not able to save money each month, then you can use this information to restructure your goal.milestone n. 重要事件;重要阶段;转折点;里程碑scenario n. 设想;方案;预测momentum n. 契机(Q4) Achievable - Be realistic about the goals you set. Smaller goals may be met more easily in less time. But a large goal, like buying the car, may need more steps, or more planning. You may need to extend the end date to give yourself more time to save up the money, or adjust your expectations, and buy a lower priced car. Breaking a large goal into smaller steps can keep you going over a longer period of time, and make the overall task more manageable. If the goal you set requires additional skills or education, these can be made into individual goals of their own.Relevant - When setting a goal, choose something that really matters to you. If it will make a difference in your life, such as better health, improved finances, or make life easier and more enjoyable in some way, you will be more likely to stick with it. If your heart’s not in it, it may be hard to justify the time and energy you need to invest, to reach the goal.(Q5) Time-Bound - Setting a finish line for your goal, lets you know how close you are to achieving it, and when you have actually completed the goal. It allows you to plan your steps in a timely fashion that makes it manageable and measurable.By setting goals using the S.M.A.R.T. method - S.M.A.R.T., you can focus with intention, using a step-by-step plan, track your success along the way, and reach a clearly defined finish line!(Q6) Some people add “E.R.” to the S.M.A.R.T. method, which then reads, “S.M.A.R.T.E.R.”, to include the words, “Evaluate” and “Reward”. Evaluating your finished goal and rewarding your efforts can bring even more value to the process.Another method used in goal setting uses the acronym “F.A.S.T”, which stands for “frequent discussions, ambitious scope, specific milestones, and transparency.” This system is more geared for team environments and allows for flexibility and changes along the way. Regardless of what system you use to set goals, the main thing is to find something that works for you, and don’t quit.Mountain climber, Junko Tabei, was the first woman to complete the “Seven Summits”, climbing the tallest mountain on each continent. She was familiar with setting goals and achieving them, which is reflected in her motto, “Do not give up. Keep on your quest.”motto n. 座右铭quest n. 探索,寻找,追求(幸福等)[5] PrioritizeHow do you decide what goals to set? Maybe you don’t have very many goals in mind. Or maybe you have so many, you don’t know where to start. When planning goals for the coming year, it may be helpful to think about what’s really important to you. Setting a goal that will make a difference in your life will be easier to get excited about. Make a list of all of the goals that come to mind. It may be helpful to group them into similar topics. For example, in the health category, you may list things like weight loss, exercise, and healthy eating. In the fun goal category, you may write down travel ideas, learning a new craft or sport, or adopting a pet. Once you have all of your ideas on paper, rank them within their group as to which are most meaningful or realistic for you. Continue to narrow down the list until you have five goals that you want to work on next year. Once you know which items are most important to you, you can then begin to plan the steps to achieve them. Author C.S. Lewis wrote, “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” As you look forward to 2024, think about the goals you have for your life and how you want to achieve them. Find support and encouragement from people you trust, evaluate your progress often, and hold yourself accountable to succeed. The coming year is the perfect time to reach new heights by setting goals that matter most to you. So go ahead and plan the celebration now. You got this!Part III. KEYQ1. D。细节题。文章第 [2] 段提到:“To know where you’re going, it can help to know where you’ve been.” 意为:“要知道你要去哪里,了解你来自哪里会有所帮助。” 根据这句话,建议在设定新年目标时从回顾过去一年的经历开始。因此答案为D。Q2. C。细节题。文章第 [2] 段提到:“Notice your patterns and habits, both good and bad. When you know your strengths and weaknesses, you can identify what’s working for you, and what’s working against you.” 意为:“注意你的行为模式和习惯,无论好坏。当你了解自己的优点和缺点时,你就可以识别什么对你有利,什么对你不利。” 因此,根据文本,通过反思个人的模式可以帮助识别优势和弱点。答案为C。Q3. C。细节题。文章第 [4] 段提到:“Achievable - Be realistic about the goals you set... Breaking a large goal into smaller steps can keep you going over a longer period of time, and make the overall task more manageable.” 意为:“可实现性 - 对你设定的目标要现实……把一个大目标分解成小步骤可以让你更长时间地坚持下去,并使整体任务更易于管理。” 这说明在S.M.A.R.T.框架中,“可实现性”指的是将大目标分解成更容易管理的小步骤。答案为C。Q4. B。细节题。文章第 [4] 段提到:“Some people add ‘E.R.’ to the S.M.A.R.T. method, which then reads, ‘S.M.A.R.T.E.R.’, to include the words, ‘Evaluate’ and ‘Reward’.” 意为:“有些人在S.M.A.R.T.方法中加入了'E.R.',成为'S.M.A.R.T.E.R.',包括了‘评估(Evaluate)’和‘奖励(Reward)’两个词。” 因此,在文中提到的S.M.A.R.T.首字母缩略词的扩展版本中添加了额外元素“评估”和“奖励”。答案为B。Q5. B。推理题。文章第 [5] 段提到:“Setting a goal that will make a difference in your life will be easier to get excited about.” 意为:“设定一个能改变你生活的目标会更容易让你感到兴奋。” 根据此信息,可以推断与生活中重要方面相关联的目标更有可能被积极追求。因此答案为B。Q6. C。主旨题。整篇文章围绕如何利用结构化方法(如S.M.A.R.T.)设定和实现个人目标给予建议,强调了设定目标的重要性,并提供了如何进行规划和评估的具体方式。文章并未主要比较不同的目标设定方法,也没有特别强调团队环境中讨论的频繁性和雄心勃勃的范围的好处。因此答案为C。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 笑的科学

笑的科学The Science of Laughter 语速:CET-6听力 / 词汇:七级(考研)易 / 篇幅:630词 / 时长:4分55秒 刘立军供稿 Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the talk and choose the best answer to each question you hear. Q1. What physical changes occur when a person laughs, as described in the text?A. Teeth show involuntarily and eyes water.B. Abdominal muscles contract and breathing patterns change.C. Heart rate increases dramatically.D. Reflexes are enhanced and muscle control improves. Q2. According to the text, to what purpose do scientists believe laughter may have evolved?A. To signal distress in dangerous situations.B. As a way for humans to develop language.C. To clearly indicate friendly, non-aggressive intent.D. To aid digestion after meals. Q3. How has the function of laughter changed after humans diverged from other great apes, according to the text?A. It has remained unchanged throughout human evolution.B. It became less frequent and quieter in humans than in apes.C. The contagious nature of laughter was lost.D. Laughter started to convey a broader range of contexts and subtle meanings. Q4. How do observers distinguish between different kinds of laughter, as found in studies?A. By the duration of the laughter.B. By the volume of the laughter.C. By identifying whether the laughter sounds real or fake.D. By the facial expressions of the laughing person. Q5. What might be the outcome of frequent laughter?A. It could potentially improve cardiovascular health and stress management.B. It may lead to increased levels of stress hormones.C. Frequent laughter usually results in diminished social bonds.D. Laughing often causes people to lose control over their speech. Part II. TRANSCRIPT The Science of Laughter (1) Isn’t it odd that, when something’s funny, you might show your teeth, change your breathing, become weak and achy in some places, and maybe even cry? In other words, why do we do this bizarre thing that is laughter? bizarre adj. 极其怪诞的;异乎寻常的 (2) (Q1) When you laugh, your abdominal muscles contract rapidly. This alters your breathing patterns, increasing the pressure in your chest cavity, and pushing air out, which might audibly emerge as a snort, wheeze, or vocalization. Because you’re exerting your abdominal muscles much more than you usually would while talking, they may start to hurt. Laughter also inhibits your reflexes and muscle control, causing sensations like leg weakness. chest cavity 胸腔snort n.(尤指表示气愤或被逗乐的)喷鼻息,哼inhibit v. 阻止;阻碍;抑制 (3) So, where does this funny phenomenon come from? Because there’s no archaeological record of laughter, it’s impossible to say exactly how and why it evolved, but scientists have some theories. Importantly, humans are not the only animals today that do something like laughter. Using ultrasonic recorders, researchers in the late 90s realized that rats were basically giggling while being tickled. Scientists have since compiled evidence of at least 65 species - mostly mammals, but also some birds - that vocalize during social play. Some, unsurprisingly, are our closest relatives. compile v. 编写(书、列表、报告等);编纂 (4) By recording and analyzing the sounds primates make while playing and being tickled, researchers grew more convinced that the ancient ancestor of all great apes did something like laughter. And, because other apes make laughter-like sounds during rough-and-tumble play, (Q2) they think laughter may have originally developed to clearly signal friendly, non-aggressive intent. (5) But of course, humans don’t just laugh when we’re wrestling, but also when we’re amused, and even surprised, confused, or nervous. Some scientists think laughter took on expanded functions after humans split from other great apes and developed large social groups and more complex language abilities. (Q3) They hypothesize that laughter gradually became something we could use not just during play but within speech to convey subtle meanings and a range of contexts to show our emotions. (6) This is thought to be one of the reasons that laughter is contagious: it’s like an invitation to share in someone’s emotional state. Just hearing clips of laughter can activate key regions in your brain, triggering you to smile or laugh yourself. And when participants in one study watched a funny video, they laughed significantly longer and more often when another person was present – even though they reported feeling the same level of amusement. contagious adj.(疾病)接触传染的 (7) Human laughter is also generally louder than the play vocalizations of most animals. Some scientists speculate that this is because our laughter functions not only as a signal between individuals, but a broadcast to everyone around. (8) Studies found that observers across the world and as young as 5 months old could reliably tell the difference between close friends and acquaintances just from brief clips of them laughing. (Q4) Similarly, we can tell whether a laugh is real or fake based just on the sound. Fake, or volitional, laughter is produced in entirely different networks in the brain, relying on speech-like pathways. Meanwhile, spontaneous laughter arises from older networks that other animals also use for their vocalizations. And laughter is not just socially important; it’s also thought to be good for us. When we laugh, our brains release feel-good neurotransmitters like endorphins, and decrease levels of stress hormones like cortisol. (Q5) Some research even suggests that people who laugh more can cope with stress more effectively and have better cardiovascular health. (9) Laughter is a universal human behavior. Babies can laugh before they can speak. Whether it’s the best medicine depends on your ailment. But as something that makes life more tolerable, strengthens bonds, and potentially improves aspects of your health, you can’t go wrong with a good laugh. Unless you have a broken rib or something. Then it’s no laughing matter. Certainly nothing to crack up about. ailment n. 轻病;小恙Part III. KEY Q1. B. 细节题。文章第(2) 段提到:“When you laugh, your abdominal muscles contract rapidly. This alters your breathing patterns...” 意为:“当你笑时,你的腹部肌肉会快速收缩。这改变了你的呼吸模式……”。因此答案为B。 Q2. C. 细节题。文章第(4) 段提到:“...they think laughter may have originally developed to clearly signal friendly, non-aggressive intent.” 意为:“……他们认为笑声最初可能是为了清晰地表达友好、非攻击性的意图而发展起来的。”因此答案为C。 Q3. D. 推理题。文章第(5) 段提到:“They hypothesize that laughter gradually became something we could use not just during play but within speech to convey subtle meanings and a range of contexts to show our emotions.” 意为:“他们假设笑声逐渐成为我们不仅在玩耍中使用,而且在言语中用来传达微妙含义和一系列情境以显示我们的情感的东西。”这说明笑声的功能随着人类从其他大猿类分化后发生了变化,开始承载更广泛的含义和情绪表达。因此答案为D。 Q4. C. 细节题。文章第(8) 段提到:“Similarly, we can tell whether a laugh is real or fake based just on the sound.” 意为:“同样,我们可以只根据声音判断笑声是真是假。” 因此答案为C。 Q5. A. 主旨题。文章第(8) 段提到:“Some research even suggests that people who laugh more can cope with stress more effectively and have better cardiovascular health.” 意为:“一些研究甚至表明,笑得更多的人可以更有效地应对压力,并拥有更好的心血管健康。” 这表明经常笑可能带来的一个结果是改善心血管健康和压力管理。因此答案为A。 (封面图片来自摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)


说课点评:在30分钟的准备时间里,读完、理解一篇800多词的商务英语文章,记住文章的结构和要点,设计出一套有理论指导、教学理念清晰、目标合理、结构完整、方法得当,最好再带点创新的教学方案,然后在10分钟的时间里,用英语条理清晰地把它展示出来,这对任何商务英语教师来讲都是一项重大的挑战。潘紫萌老师首先分析了课文,根据内容将其解构成三大部分。选手将第二部分(第3-8段)归纳成 promotion, price and place 和将第三部分(第9段)归纳成对计划进入中国市场的外国企业的忠告,这都是正确的。但是,她把第一部分(第1-2段)归纳成product,进而把前两部分归纳成营销学中著名的4P战略,这种做法有待商榷。因为课文的第1段主要讲两个问题:1)营销战略如何在中国成功,2)这些战略如何根据中国人的喜好以及对产品或服务的认知进行调整,而不是具体的产品。也许是准备的时间非常紧迫,选手对课文的理解和归纳出现了偏差。然后,潘老师分析了学生的特点。在教学模式上,她采取以学生为中心、以产出为导向的教学模式。其教学目标包括商务英语知识、商务技能和伦理价值。在具体的教学方法上,她例举了基于任务的教学、基于讨论的教学、案例教学、学生参与的测评等,并强调要综合利用线上线下教学资源。在学习测评上,她采用师生共同参与的方式,以增强教学效果。至于具体的教学步骤,她采用BOPPPS模式,再加课后作业。以上教学方案应该说中规中矩,显示出潘老师对商务英语教学的理论、模式、方法和测评等各要素有比较全面的了解。潘老师最亮眼的表现是在10分钟的时间里,用流利的英语将其教学方案展现出来,而且条理清晰,相关的教学理论、教学方法、商务知识、商务案例均了然于胸,信手拈来,同时口到手到,同步将所讲内容写到白板上,手起笔落,一气呵成。在提问阶段,潘老师的表现依旧出色,理解到位,回答中肯,表现出较高的英语基本功和商务、人文素养。不过有的回答可以再精炼一些。比如在回答第一个问题时,把EGP,EOP,EAP,ESP 的定义都讲了一遍,有点啰嗦。总而言之,潘紫萌在说课中表现突出,是一位素质比较全面、经验比较丰富的优秀商务英语教师。点评专家:陈准民




