共有 765 条搜索结果
    Why We Must Explain Our Own Needs?如何向别人表达我们的需求?刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTOne of the finest things about being a baby is that our minds can be read by others. Without us needing to say anything, people around us...
    Five Tips for Successwith Bonita Norris, Who Climbed Qomolangma Aged Just 2222岁女孩勇攀珠峰,分享取得成功的5条经验刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTWhen you see the sun rise from the top of the world, it was just the mostbeautiful thin...
    集中精力做好一件事刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTHave you ever heard someone say they're a great "multitasker"? Or had a potential employer say they're looking for someone who can "multitask"? In today's world, being able to...
    非洲干旱可能造成大量儿童致命性营养不良Acute Malnutrition Brought by Drought StalksChildrenin Africa刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTU.N. agencies are warning of famine in Somalia and a surge of child deaths across the Horn of Africa if ...
    英国首相约翰逊在不信任投票中过关刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTReporting via remote, I'm Richard Green.British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has survived a dramatic no-confidence vote. Members of Prime Minister Johnson's own Conserv...
    Bird Sellers Help Rare Bird Return to the Wild助濒危鸟类回归自然刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTWith its white feathers and blue skin, the Bali mynah has been sought after by collectors for more than a hundred years.Their cap...
    Five Gardening Mistakes刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTMuch of gardening is learned by trial and error - that means, from mistakes. We have all been in that situation.The good news is we can learn from other people's...
    Sharing Our Loneliness May Help Us Feel Less Lonely讲述孤独的故事,让我们不再孤独刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTIn English, there is an expression that goes like this: Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone. It...
    书写你的人生Writing about Your Life刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTImagine you want to describe your life. You might begin with where and when you were born.In last week's report, Describing Your Life, we showed you how on...
    追踪病毒变体WHO’s Science in 5 on COVID 19: Tracking Variants刘立军供稿TRANSCRIPTVismita Gupta-Smith: How does WHO track the variants of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19? What are the challenges on the...
    玩手机对大脑的影响Tech's Brain Effect: It's Complicated刘立军供稿TRANSCRIPT“Clearly, technology is helping us research the brain, but how is the brain responding to technology?”NYU neuroscientist Alexandra Ochoa Co...
    不要总当老好人Stop Being So Nice刘立军供稿TRANSCRIPTIt’s natural and beautiful to strive to be a nice person. In a world full of cruelty and thoughtlessness, nice people are committed to being generous, sympathet...
    褪黑素与睡眠What Is Melatonin - and Should You Take It to Fall Asleep?刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTMelatonin is a hormone, often called the hormone of darkness, simply because melatonin tells your brain and your body th...
    如何成为一个有趣的人?How to Be Interesting?刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTMany of us crave to be more interesting people. The question is: how might we become so?We rightly tend to associate being ‘interesting’ with achieving...
    欧美多国通货膨胀Inflation in many western countries刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTThe world this week - BusinessThe yields on short-term American bonds rose significantly, an indicator that markets are expecting hefty inter...