双语阅读 | 父亲在儿童教育中的作用

双语阅读 | 父亲在儿童教育中的作用
困难 3547

The Role Father Plays in the Education of Children

Home education is long considered as the bounden duty of a mother, who is regarded as the embodiment of devotion, selflessness, and unconditional love. A father’s territory, on the other hand, is often deemed as the workplace where he appears to achieve more sense of worth than he does at home. Besides, fathers’ more clumsy performances in baby-nursing are construed as the evidences that they are less sensitive about the emotional cues of babies. Although the paternal love often appears less direct and intense than its counterpart, it is an indispensable part of the healthy emotional, physical, and cognitive growth of a child. However, not every father lives up to his fatherhood, which is a sense of responsibility, a lifestyle that has no end.


Studies show that paternal involvement in children’s reading greatly contributes to their language and literacy development. Reading is an essential activity associated with the cognitive development of children. It’s a habit that can be cultivated through child-parent reading routines such as story-telling and text-retelling. Father-child reading is more beneficial to children’s acquisition of language than screen-based reading because it’s in-person and interactive. While mothers tend to be more descriptive, personal, and verbally encouraging, fathers make greater use of facial expressions and subtle body language. Father’s gaze and gestures (such as pointing to the book’s pictures) can help children concentrate on the reading process, which increases their learning efficiency. 


Studies also find that when children play better, they read better, master more advanced vocabularies and develop more variegated communication skills. It is because young children’s cognitive abilities develop through new experiences and discoveries, which are key elements of play. Fathers who take active roles in the play encourage their children to push the limits, which helps them build independence, confidence, and progress. Also, it is easier for children to memorize words when they are uttered during the process of play. If fathers behave warm, nurturing, and supportive during the play, their children would be more prepared to the school than those whose fathers are less positively involved.


Parenting is by no means the exclusive province of mothers. A qualified father is supposed to be more than a wage earner who comes home only to eat dinner and watch television. Consistent and active paternal involvement instills into children senses of security, well being, and confidence. Besides, the moral influence fathers have on children is as important as the emotional support they provide. Generally speaking, while mothers tend to see the rest of the world in relation to their children, fathers tend to see their children in relation to the rest of the world. Children turn to their fathers for laying down the rules which will mould their own characters and guide them to form new relationships in the future. While girls model their relationships with others based on their father’s character, boys model themselves after their father’s character. A good father shows his daughter what a good relationship with a man is and shows his son how to behave and survive in the world.


bounden duty n. 天职
construe v. 理解
fatherhood n. 父亲的身份
parent v. 养育
instill v. 灌输
mould v. 塑造
  • 字数:520个
  • 易读度:困难
  • 来源: 2020-08-20