教学素材 | 炎热夏季,冷面当道

教学素材 | 炎热夏季,冷面当道
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Summertime Favorite - Cold Noodles

Cold noodles or delicacies alike are enjoyed throughout the world. Especially during the summer, cold noodles become a popular dish for the people of China. Now comes the question, how many kinds of cold noodles do you know?
冷面以及各种可以凉着吃的面食在全球各地都受到欢迎。特别是在炎炎的夏日,食欲不振之时,来上一份清爽的冷面,对于国人来说可是一种不可或缺的享受。那么问题来了,广义上的冷面那么多,你知道多少种呢?今天我们就来重点介绍几种全球各地最受欢迎的冷面 。

Shanghai Cold Noodles  上海冷面
Refreshing, in a Simple Way  简约,清爽

The traditional Shanghai cold noodles are placed next to an electric fan after steamed. While the noodles are cooled, seasonings are added, such as peanut butter and vinegar. You may ask for additional toppings. Toppings come in many varieties, similar to the dishes of a menu, but in a lesser quantity.

Naengmyeon  朝鲜冷面
Full of Flavors  味觉盛宴

Naengmyeon is a Korean noodle dish of long and thin handmade noodles made from the flour and starch of various ingredients, including buckwheat, potatoes, arrowroot starch, and kudzu. Naengmyeon is served in a large stainless-steel bowl with a tangy iced broth, julienned cucumbers, slices of Korean pear, thin, wide strips of lightly pickled radish, and either a boiled egg or slices of cold boiled beef or both. Spicy mustard sauce and vinegar are often added before consumption.

Liangpi  凉皮
Not Only in Summer  绝非“夏日限定”

Liangpi is a noodle-like Chinese dish made from wheat or rice flour. It is a specialty dish originating from the cuisine of Shaanxi Province, but has now spread to many other places in China, in particular the northern and central regions. Although liangpi is served cold, it is served in every season, including winter.

There is one exception – Hanzhong Liangpi, or Hanzhong Mianpi. Named for the city of Hanzhong in southwestern Shaanxi, Hanzhong Lianghpi is steamed with garlic and hot chili oil. Unlike other places, it is often served hot rather than cold.

Pasta Salad  沙拉意面
Salad or Pasta?  到底是沙拉还是意面?

Pasta salad is a salad-like dish prepared with one or more types of pasta, almost always chilled, and most often tossed in a vinegar, oil, or mayonnaise-based dressing. It is typically served as an appetizer, side dish or a main course. Pasta salad is often regarded as a spring or summertime meal, but it can be served year-round. There is a debate regarding whether pasta salad is truly a "salad", given that the base is pasta rather than a vegetable.

buckwheat: n. 荞麦
topping: n. 浇料;佐料
mayonnaise: n. 蛋黄酱
  • 字数:376个
  • 易读度:标准
  • 来源:互联网 2019-05-30