练习 | FOX新闻:如何做出美味汉堡

练习 | FOX新闻:如何做出美味汉堡

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燕山大学 刘立军 编写


For the cornerstone of many a summer cookouts, some wisdom from Famous Dave Anderson who insists: “I am ninja on burgers.”

The 2017 Barbecue Hall of Fame inductee says start with a good 80-20 burger meat: “You gotta have fat, get to know your butcher. What you want to do is get that burger when it just comes right out of the grinder.”

And if your meat must come from the grocery store shelf, take one from the top so you have loose burger meat.

Dave explains you need a light touch: “You don’t want to take and pack it flat. You know, the burger has to have passage ways where all the meat juices and the fat to travail.”

And for those crispy edges on the meat patties, he says season them because they’re your first bite.

Lilian Woo, FOX News.

Adapted from http://www.kekenet.com/broadcast/201807/558011.shtml


1. cornerstone n. the most important part of sth. that the rest depends on 最重要部分;基础;柱石。例如:This study is the cornerstone of the whole research programme. 此项研究是整个研究计划的基础。

2. cookouts n. (North Amercian English, informal) a meal or party when food is cooked over an open fire outdoors, for example at a beach 露天烧烤餐;野外烧烤宴会

3. ninja n. (from Japanese) a person trained in traditional Japanese skills of fighting and moving quietly 忍者(受过日本传统打斗和轻功训练的人)

4. inductee n. (especially North American English) a person who is being, or who has just been, introduced into a special group of people, especially sb. who has just joined the army 新成员;(尤指)新入伍者

5. grinder n. a person whose job is to make knives sharper; a machine which does this 磨刀匠;磨工;磨床

6. travail n. 不可数名词, 复数](old use, or literary) an unpleasant experience or situation that involves a lot of hard work, difficulties and / or suffering 艰苦劳动;煎熬;艰辛;痛苦

7. crispy adj. 易碎的

8. patty n. (especially North American English) finely chopped meat, fish, etc. formed into a small round flat shape 碎肉饼;鱼肉饼。例如:a hamburger patty汉堡包肉饼

9. season n. season sth. (with sth.) to add salt, pepper, etc. to food in order to give it more flavour 加调料调味;加作料。例如:Season the lamb with garlic. 给羊肉加蒜调味。


Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.

For the cornerstone of many a summer (Q1) ___________________, some wisdom from Famous Dave Anderson who insists: “I am ninja on burgers.”

The 2017 Barbecue Hall of Fame inductee says start with a good 80-20 burger meat: “You gotta have fat, get to know your (Q2)__________________________. What you want to do is get that burger when it just comes right out of the (Q3) ___________________________.”

And if your meat must come from the (Q4)________________________________, take one from the (Q5)___________________ so you have (Q6) _______________________ burger meat.

Dave explains you need a light (Q7) ____________________: “You don’t want to take and pack it flat. You know, the burger has to have (Q8) ____________________________ where all the meat juices and the fat to travail.”

And for those crispy edges on the meat patties, he says (Q9)____________________ them because they’re your first (Q10)__________________________.

Lilian Woo, FOX News.


Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.

For the cornerstone of many a summer (Q1) cookouts, some wisdom from Famous Dave Anderson who insists: “I am ninja on burgers.”

The 2017 Barbecue Hall of Fame inductee says start with a good 80-20 burger meat: “You gotta have fat, get to know your (Q2)butcher. What you want to do is get that burger when it just comes right out of the (Q3) grinder.”

And if your meat must come from the (Q4) grocery store shelf, take one from the (Q5) top so you have (Q6) loose burger meat.

Dave explains you need a light (Q7) touch: “You don’t want to take and pack it flat. You know, the burger has to have (Q8) passage ways where all the meat juices and the fat to travail.”

And for those crispy edges on the meat patties, he says (Q9) season them because they’re your first (Q10) bite.

Lilian Woo, FOX News.

  • 时长:0.8分钟
  • 语速:188wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2018-07-25