练习 | FOX新闻:未成年人易成为网络安全受害者

练习 | FOX新闻:未成年人易成为网络安全受害者

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燕山大学 刘立军 宋葳 编写

Fox on Family. Even kids aware of stranger-danger, may not be prepared for what's lurking online:

"You can be playing a video game and then there'll be something that kind of comes up for pornography and all you have to do is click and you're in a whole ‘another world'."

Licensed professional counselor Rusty says he and his wife were stunned during recent forums with middle school classes in Texas: "When she says how many of you girls have actually experienced a boy asking for a nude picture of you and she said more than half of those girls raised their hands."

In a separate room, nearly half of the boys reported some kind of a stranger-encounter, like someone trying to coax them into a car.

Lozano urges parents to be proactive; warn kids about sexting and pornography, the laws against it and possible ripple effects, including blackmail: "From making a mistake of sending a picture and saying well, if you don't send more, then I'm going to spread this around or I'm going to get you in trouble."

He recommends age-appropriate warnings for younger kids, too. Because once a child starts using a smart device, they can be a captive audience.

With FOX on Family, I'm Lisa Brady.

Adapted from 未成年网络安全受害者


1. pornography n. (不可数名词) (disapproving) books, videos, etc. that describe or show naked people and sexual acts in order to make people feel sexually excited, especially in a way that many other people find offensive 淫秽作品;色情书刊(或音像制品等)。例如:child pornography儿童色情作品

2. stun v. to surprise or shock sb. so much that they cannot think clearly or speak 使震惊(或惊愕、目瞪口呆)

3. proactive adj. (of a person or policy 人或政策) controlling a situation by making things happen rather than waiting for things to happen and then reacting to them 积极主动的;主动出击的;先发制人的

4. ripple effect : a situation in which an event or action has an effect on sth., which then has an effect on sth. else 连锁反应。例如:His resignation will have a ripple effect on the whole department.

5. captive adj. (只用于名词前) not free to leave a particular place or to choose what you want to do 人身自由受限制的;受控制的;无权选择的。例如:A salesman loves to have a captive audience (= listening because they have no choice). 推销商喜欢不得不听的听众。

6. coax v. coax sb. (into doing sth.) | coax sb. (into/out of sth.) to persuade sb. to do sth. by talking to them in a kind and gentle way 哄劝;劝诱。
(动词 + 名词短语)
○She coaxed the horse into coming a little closer. 她哄着那匹马让它再靠近了一点。
○He was coaxed out of retirement to help the failing company. 他退休之后又被力劝出山帮助濒临破产的公司。
○She had to coax the car along. 她得耐着性子发动汽车往前开。
(动词 + 直接引语)
‘Nearly there, ' she coaxed.“快要到啦。”她哄着说。

Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

Fox on Family. Even kids aware of stranger-danger, may not be prepared for what's lurking online:

"You can be playing a video game and then there'll be something that kind of comes up for (Q1) _______________________________and all you have to do is click and you're in a whole ‘another world'."

Licensed professional counselor Rusty says he and his wife were (Q2) __________________ during recent forums with middle school classes in Texas: "When she says how many of you girls have actually experienced a boy asking for a nude picture of you and she said more than half of those girls raised their hands."

In a separate room, nearly half of the boys reported some kind of a stranger-encounter, like someone trying to (Q3) _____________________them into a car.

Lozano urges parents to be proactive; warn kids about sexting and pornography, the laws against it and possible ripple effects, including (Q4) _____________________: "From making a mistake of sending a picture and saying well, if you don't send more, then I'm going to spread this around or I'm going to get you in trouble."

He recommends age-appropriate warnings for (Q5) _______________________________, too. Because once a child starts using a smart device, they can be a captive audience.

With FOX on Family, I'm Lisa Brady.


Fox on Family. Even kids aware of stranger-danger, may not be prepared for what's lurking online:

"You can be playing a video game and then there'll be something that kind of comes up for (Q1) pornography and all you have to do is click and you're in a whole ‘another world'."

Licensed professional counselor Rusty says he and his wife were (Q2) stunned during recent forums with middle school classes in Texas: "When she says how many of you girls have actually experienced a boy asking for a nude picture of you and she said more than half of those girls raised their hands."

In a separate room, nearly half of the boys reported some kind of a stranger-encounter, like someone trying to (Q3) coax them into a car.

Lozano urges parents to be proactive; warn kids about sexting and pornography, the laws against it and possible ripple effects, including (Q4) blackmail: "From making a mistake of sending a picture and saying well, if you don't send more, then I'm going to spread this around or I'm going to get you in trouble."

He recommends age-appropriate warnings for (Q5) younger kids, too. Because once a child starts using a smart device, they can be a captive audience.

With FOX on Family, I'm Lisa Brady.

  • 时长:1.0分钟
  • 语速:144wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 宋葳 2018-01-03