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    VOA慢速:三人因发现量子点获诺贝尔化学奖Three Win Nobel Prize in Chemistry for Quantum Dots Discovery刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTThree scientists in the United States won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry on Wednesday. The three won for...
    VOA慢速:美国数学教育面临挑战刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTAcross the United States, schools are working hard to help students catch up in math. Test scores after the pandemic show just how behind students are. On average, educ...
    VOA慢速:关于人生“基本选择”的挪威作品获得诺贝尔文学奖Norwegian Writing about Life’s ‘Basic Choices’ Wins Nobel in Literature刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTThe Swedish Academy awarded this year’s Nobel Prize in Literature to a Norwegian kno...
    VOA 慢速:Teacher, Lecturer 和 Tutor 词义辨析刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTHi there! This week on Ask a Teacher, we will answer a question about the difference between a “teacher,” a “tutor,” and a “lecturer.”Question:Hell...
    BBC新闻:纽约一名被错判的男子洗清罪名刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTReports from Tunisia say police have arrested the top two officials in the main opposition party. They include the interim head of Ennahda Mondher Ounissi. His dete...
    如何勇敢地去爱The Art of Loving Without Fear刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTWe regularly get into difficulties in love because we refuse to accept how much reassurance and stroking we need from the person we love. We imagin...
    年轻人取得成功的三个关键因素Three Keys to Success for Young People刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTWhy do some young people from really tough backgrounds beat the odds? And what can we all learn from them?When I was a child, I was ...
    别再想着成为一个特别的人Giving Up on Being Special刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTWe’re likely to try out many sorts of lives before we land, finally, on the quiet variety. Rarely does anyone start there, the kind of life where ...
    职场上如何寻求帮助How to ask for help in the workplace刘立军供稿TRANSCRIPTWe all need help at work from time to time, but it’s not always easy to ask for it. You may worry about seeming annoying or incompetent, but...
    BBC新闻:夏威夷野火导致50余人死亡刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTBBC News with Sue Montgomery.Wildfires that have devastated part of the Hawaiian island of Maui are now known to have killed more than 50 people. The governor of the...
    VOA慢速:美国航天局计划开发月球资源US Space Agency Aims to Develop Moon Resources刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTA NASA scientist recently told a mining conference in Brisbane, Australia, that the U.S. space agency aims to develop r...
    VOA慢速:美国高校教授阻止学生利用人工智能作弊刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTRecently, artificial intelligence (AI) services — such as ChatGPT — have become a major resource for cheating in university. Now, teachers are thinking of new w...
    VOA常速:孟加拉国暴雨引发洪灾刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTAt least 55 people have been killed and more than a million affected by two weeks of torrential rains, causing floods and landslides in southeast Bangladesh, officials ...
    BBC新闻:一天一把坚果远离抑郁症刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTThe former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan has been disqualified from politics for 5 years 3 days after receiving a prison sentence for corruption. The ruling from...
    AP新闻:特朗普宣布自首刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTThis is AP News minute.Crews are digging roads and buildings out of mud in the southwestern US after Tropical Storm Hilary passed through. Some Southern California mountain...