共有 765 条搜索结果
    讨人喜欢的10个迹象10 Signs You’re More Likeable Than You Realize TEM-4听力语速/六级(CET-6)偏易/1129词/7分30秒刘立军 供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What is ...
    VOA慢速:如何避免抄袭Defining Plagiarism, How to Avoid It CET-4听力语速/五级(CET-4)适中/972词/9分6秒刘立军 供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What does plagiarism ...
    笑的科学The Science of Laughter 语速:CET-6听力 / 词汇:七级(考研)易 / 篇幅:630词 / 时长:4分55秒 刘立军供稿 Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the talk and choose the best answer to each question you hear. Q1. What physical changes occur...
    快乐人生七准则7 Rules for a Happy Life 语速:CET-4听力/ 词汇:六级(CET-6)偏易/ 篇幅:1006词/ 时长:6分27秒 刘立军 供稿Part I.QUESTIONSListen to the talk and choose the best answer to each question you hear. Q1. According to rule one,...
    如何制定与实现2024年目标?How to set and achieve goals for 2024?语速:TEM-8听力 / 词汇:六级 (CET-6) 偏易 / 篇幅:1358词 / 时长:8分29秒刘立军 供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the talk and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q...
    VOA慢速:住房对孩子上学的重要性Housing Important for Keeping Children in School刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTLast year, 40 percent of students in Los Angeles public schools missed more than 10 percent of the school year.That inf...
    VOA慢速:中美承诺共同努力实现气候目标US, China Promise to Work Together on Climate Goals刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTUnited States climate diplomat John Kerry and Chinese climate negotiator Xie Zhenhua recently agreed to restart a...
    VOA慢速:美国男孩高中毕业率低于女孩US Boys Graduate High School at Lower Rates Than Girls刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTThe U.S. government does not require states to report graduation rates by a student’s sex. But in every state r...
    VOA慢速:ChatGPT制造商OpenAI的高层领导变动Top Leadership Changes at ChatGPT Maker OpenAI刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTArtificial intelligence (AI) system developer OpenAI was under new leadership Monday after a series of recent...
    VOA慢速:2023年是人工智能的大年2023: A Big Year for Artificial Intelligence语速:CET-4听力/词汇:五级(CET-4)偏易/篇幅:738词/时长:6分55秒刘立军供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q...
    VOA慢速:韦氏词典将Authentic选为年度词汇Merriam-Webster Chooses 'Authentic' as Word of the Year刘立军供稿TRANSCRIPTThe dictionary company Merriam-Webster chose the word "authentic" as its word of the year for 2023.Somet...
    VOA慢速:人工智能是否能提升员工业务能力?Can artificial intelligence improve worker performance?刘立军供稿TRANSCRIPTAn experiment involving hundreds of office workers has found that artificial intelligence (AI) tools can gre...
    VOA慢速:诺贝尔经济学奖授予研究职场性别的教授Nobel Economics Prize Goes to Professor Studying Gender in Workplace刘立军供稿TRANSCRIPTThe Nobel Prize in economics has been awarded to Claudia Goldin for her work on the gap betwe...
    VOA慢速:美国人糟糕的数学技能令人担忧America’s Poor Math Skills Raise Concerns刘立军供稿TRANSCRIPTMany Americans joke about how bad they are at math. But, labor experts and others in the United States are not laughing. The...
    VOA慢速:联合国报告应谨慎使用教育技术UN Report: Education Technology Should Be Used Carefully刘立军供稿TRANSCRIPTThe COVID-19 pandemic showed how useful digital technology could be for schools. But it also showed the limit...