大学英语(第三版)精读 第5册

    作者:翟象俊 张增健 王德明 夏国佐 赵建 任建国 杨晨
    1  选文:题材广泛、体裁多样、语言规范优美,并注重趣味性、知识性和可思性。2 练习:词汇练习环环相扣,重视词汇复现率;针对句型结构、常用词组和搭配、特殊用法等有专题讲解和训练,帮助学生学习地道准确的英语;对学生在四、六级考试中常犯的语言错误专门设计了用法练习。3 写作:强调微观与宏观的写作技能同时发展。

    Unit 1

    【官方课件】 Unit 1
    【官方音频】 Unit 1 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 Buffalo buffalo buffalo - One-word sentences and how they work - Emma Bryce
    【视频资源】 How did clouds get their names? - Richard Hamblyn
    【视频资源】 Where do new words come from? - Marcel Danesi
    【视频资源】 One of the most difficult words to translate - Krystian Aparta
    【视频资源】 Vocabulary Talking about CLOTHES in English
    【视频资源】 Vocabulary for EATING and DRINKING
    【视频资源】 Vocabulary - Talking about MOVIES in English
    【视频资源】 Vocabulary - REMEMBER, RECALL, REMIND
    【视频资源】 University English Expressions and Vocabulary
    【视频资源】 The Secret to English Vocabulary – How to remember more
    【视频资源】 Learn English vocabulary in the BATHROOM
    【视频资源】 Improve Your Vocabulary 23 words for talking about feeling good or bad
    【视频资源】 Improve your English vocabulary Better words than 'BIG'
    【视频资源】 How to increase your vocabulary
    【视频资源】 Exam skills 5 tips about building vocabulary
    【视频资源】 Basic English Vocabulary - GET
    【视频资源】 Advanced Vocabulary of CAUSE & EFFECT
    【视频资源】 Vocabulary - Learn 30 adjectives in English to Describe Your Personality
    【视频资源】 The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain
    【视频资源】 The Power of Lexis- Vocabulary Teaching Today
    【视频资源】 Vocabulary in reading
    【视频资源】 What makes a good teacher
    【视频资源】 English Words Borrowed from Chinese - English Vocabulary Lesson

    Unit 2

    【官方课件】 Unit 2
    【官方音频】 Unit 2 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 The Power of belief -- mindset and success _ Eduardo Briceno
    【视频资源】 Average is Awesome_ Embracing Mediocrity as the Key to Success _ Jeroen van Baar
    【视频资源】 The Theory of Success _ Jesse Henry
    【视频资源】 Programming your mind for success _ Carrie Green
    【视频资源】 Overcoming obstacles - Steven Claunch
    【视频资源】 Why it pays to work hard - Richard St. John
    【视频资源】 Why incompetent people think they're amazing - David Dunning
    【视频资源】 Success, failure and the drive to keep creating _ Elizabeth Gilbert
    【视频资源】 What I learned from 100 days of rejection _ Jia Jiang
    【视频资源】 The unexpected benefit of celebrating failure _ Astro Teller
    【视频资源】 Sarah Lewis_ Embrace the near win
    【视频资源】 The happy secret to better work _ Shawn Achor
    【视频资源】 Why you should define your fears instead of your goals _ Tim Ferriss
    【视频资源】 3 lessons on success from an Arab businesswoman _ Leila Hoteit
    【视频资源】 Richard St. John_ 'Success is a continuous journey'
    【视频资源】 A kinder, gentler philosophy of success _ Alain de Botton
    【视频资源】 The single biggest reason why startups succeed _ Bill Gross
    【视频资源】 Grit_ the power of passion and perseverance _ Angela Lee Duckworth
    【视频资源】 Secrets of success in 8 words, 3 minutes - Richard St. John
    【视频资源】 How To Stop Caring What Other People Think
    【视频资源】 Self Development - Don't Accept Limitation
    【视频资源】 10 Habits of Successful Students
    【视频资源】 Angela Lee Duckworth The key to success Grit
    【视频资源】 The Art of Being Yourself
    【阅读资源】 Why Success Always Starts With Failure?

    Unit 3

    【官方课件】 Unit 3
    【官方音频】 Unit 3 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 All it takes is 10 mindful minutes - Andy Puddicombe
    【视频资源】 Claiming your Identity by understanding your self-worth
    【视频资源】 How to practice emotional first aid - Guy Winch
    【视频资源】 How to speak up for yourself - Adam Galinsky
    【视频资源】 Listening to shame - Brené Brown
    【视频资源】 The myth of self-discovery- Emily Warren
    【视频资源】 The secret to self control Jonathan Bricker
    【视频资源】 The Value of YOU. - Trista Sutter
    【视频资源】 What reality are you creating for yourself- - Isaac Lidsky
    【视频资源】 Why thinking you're ugly is bad for you - Meaghan Ramsey
    【视频资源】 How To Stop Caring What Other People Think
    【视频资源】 Daniel Goldstein The battle between your present and future self
    【视频资源】 Eve Ensler - Embrace your inner girl
    【视频资源】 Gary Wolf The quantified self
    【视频资源】 Jonathan Haidt Religion, evolution, and the ecstasy of self-transcendence
    【视频资源】 Julian Baggini Is there a real you
    【视频资源】 Thandie Newton Embracing otherness, embracing myself
    【视频资源】 The pattern behind self-deception - Michael Shermer
    【视频资源】 The power of believing that you can improve - Carol Dweck
    【视频资源】 The psychology of your future self - Dan Gilbert
    【视频资源】 Who are you, really - The puzzle of personality - Brian Little
    【视频资源】 Want to be happier- Stay in the moment
    【视频资源】 How to Be More Confident Than Anyone You Know 5 Effective
    【视频资源】 The skill of self confidence - Dr. Ivan Joseph
    【视频资源】 TEDxOrangeCoast - Daniel Amen - Change Your Brain Change Your Life
    【视频资源】 Confidence
    【视频资源】 Thriving in the Face of Adversity
    【视频资源】 Angelina Jolie Speech That Will Inspire You to be of Use
    【视频资源】 An Unforgettable Marathon Finish
    【视频资源】 3 Lessons from Steve Jobs (Key Points from Stanford '05 Speech)
    【阅读资源】 Learn How to Live a Positive Life

    Unit 4

    【官方课件】 Unit 4
    【官方音频】 Unit 4 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 How to escape education's death valley - Sir Ken Robinson
    【视频资源】 Jennifer Senior- For parents, happiness is a very high bar
    【视频资源】 Bill Gates- Teachers need real feedback
    【视频资源】 Chasing paper- Tackling college and parental pressure
    【视频资源】 Common Interview question and answers - Job Interview Skills
    【视频资源】 Victoria's Story - A Vision for the Future of Learning
    【阅读资源】 Is a College Degree Necessary for a Good Job
    【阅读资源】 Parents' Values and Children's Perceived Pressure

    Unit 5

    【官方课件】 Unit 5
    【官方音频】 Unit 5 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 Einstein's miracle year - Larry Lagerstrom
    【视频资源】 Schrödinger's cat_ A thought experiment in quantum mechanics - Chad Orzel
    【视频资源】 The Higgs Field, explained - Don Lincoln
    【视频资源】 What are gravitational waves_ - Amber L. Stuver
    【视频资源】 What in the world is topological quantum matter_ - Fan Zhang
    【视频资源】 What is entropy_ - Jeff Phillips
    【视频资源】 What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle_ - Chad Orzel
    【视频资源】 Why don't perpetual motion machines ever work_ - Netta Schramm
    【视频资源】 Facing failure- what it takes to be good at science
    【视频资源】 How science fiction can help predict the future
    【视频资源】 Richard Feynman - The Uncertainty Of Knowledge
    【视频资源】 Famous Quotes by Stephen Hawking

    Unit 6

    【官方课件】 Unit 6
    【官方音频】 Unit 6 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 Why Do We Fall In Love
    【视频资源】 How Do You Share Your Love
    【视频资源】 Leonard and Penny's Not a Date
    【视频资源】 Flipped Trailer

    Unit 7

    【官方课件】 Unit 7
    【官方音频】 Unit 7 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 The Enchanting Music of Sign Language - Christine Sun Kim
    【视频资源】 Helen Keller Speaks Out
    【视频资源】 Helen Keller & Anne Sullivan
    【视频资源】 Famous Quotes by Stephen Hawking
    【视频资源】 How Stephen Hawking Has Lived So Long With ALS
    【视频资源】 Why exploring space matters - Stephen Hawking - TEDxLondon

    Unit 8

    【官方课件】 Unit 8
    【官方音频】 Unit 8 Audio Track
    【视频资源】 Emma Watson 关于He For She 的演讲
    【视频资源】 An artist's unflinching look at racial violence - Sanford Biggers
    【视频资源】 Color blind or color brave - Mellody Hobson
    【视频资源】 How to raise a black son in America - Clint Smith
    【视频资源】 My road trip through the whitest towns in America - Rich Benjamin
    【视频资源】 Nate Silver How does race affect votes
    【视频资源】 Stefan Wolff- The path to ending ethnic conflicts
    【视频资源】 The danger of a single story - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
    【视频资源】 The danger of silence - Clint Smith
    【视频资源】 Verna Myers How to overcome our biases - Walk boldly toward them
    【视频资源】 Jay Walker: The world's English Mania
    【视频资源】 We need to talk about an injustice - Bryan Stevenson
    【视频资源】 Martin Luther King Jr. I Have A Dream Speech
    【视频资源】 What Discrimination Looks Like In America
    【视频资源】 Explaining Racism and Discrimination
    【视频资源】 US Supreme Court Strikes Down Bans on Interracial Marriage
    【视频资源】 Driving Miss Daisy Clip
    【视频资源】 Rosa Parks Biography
    【视频资源】 What Discrimination Looks Like In America